Sound Signal Therapy

Vegetative State

The diagnosis „coma vigil“ or „vegetative state“ has been made – what now?

Music has immense power over people and is able to interact with them in many ways.

Even in a vegetative state it can be and remain the appropriate access to the environment: A way that also gives relatives the opportunity to express their loving and caring presence.

Our „Patient Hearing Plays“ in the duration of 15 to 30 minutes are created 100% individually for each vegetative state patient.

The patient’s relatives, preferences and acoustic environment are completely and directly involved in the process of creating the radio play.

In this way, we create a familiar and communicative acoustic world of experience, which generates stimuli through its associative elements – we therefore call our approach „sound signal therapy“.

Whether this is suitable in an individual case and whether our hearing plays may and should therefore be used, is up to the decision of the respective responsible physicians and can only be decided in dialogue with them. 

We cordially invite you to contact us without obligation if you are also confronted with the harsh reality of „vegetative state“ to discuss the possibilities of a hearing play for your relatives:

We are here to
support you during this difficult time.